Work-in-Progress: Corrie Baldauf
Turn a challenge into a toast:
Reading the book at the bottom of this stack was difficult. It was as if I forgot how to read. Remembering how to read is something like remembering how to have new ideas.
When I started adding color tabs to books, it wasn't to make art, it was an attempt to focus and read carefully. It worked. It worked so well, between page forty-two and seventy-four, I knew I could stop adding tabs to the pages. Continuing made the process start to look like art.
Kresge Fellow Rose Sharp helped me turn a challenge into a toast by being a close-hearing friend and the first person to post a pic of what has become a multi-year project on. She also reviewed my ongoing color project for Hyperallergic. Check out: "Reading David Foster Wallace for the Colors," on Hyperallergic.
“Time Stack Platform,” 2020, photography by Tim Thayer.
In response to social isolation guidelines, Kresge Arts in Detroit asked Kresge Artist Fellows and Gilda Award recipients to give us a glimpse into their current and recent projects. Participating artists received stipends of $150, a quick response pivot of resources that could be implemented by the program as an immediate - albeit small level - of support to Detroit area artists.