Work-in-Progress: Mother Cyborg
I've been working with communities around the US to build a collective narrative of what future they want to see using a game I created called the Dream System. The content generated from the game is used to build the world of Automata, a futuristic rock opera that explores the utopian social and political potential of AI by creating opportunities for an audience and participants to visualize a society that uses technology democratically, for egalitarian means, and push past fear of difference between living things natural and mechanical. This is a photo of over 50 Middle Schoolers and their caretakers playing the game at Brooklyn heights Montessori, January 2020.
I’ve started translating “Dream System” visions into adornment for future people. In creating these objects, characters and storylines start to come to life for me. These earrings I call Hexi Globes. They’re constructed from sterling silver into three-dimensional hoops; they redefine what a hoop can be. These are the first of a series of future people’s jewelry that are inspired by the timelessness of what we call sacred geometry, or the shapes that make up every part of natural life on this planet. These are available for sale at my website's store (
Asha, the main character of the opera who's name means hope for the future, wakes up in year 2084 after being frozen for 60 years adorned. She has been assigned the Crystal Charms and the coffin chain to mark her as a newcomer from the past.
Finally the newest work in progress is Asha's amulet. I believe time is circular rather than liner and that the distant future will restore indigenous practices and integrate holistically with technological advancements. This piece is inspired by my Pre-Colombian ancestor which uses ancient spiraling techniques. Throughout the Automata story line Asha struggles with the new reality of the future she wakes up in. Her journey encapsulates the struggles and triumphs of self-transformation. This necklace will be found at the end of her journey symbolizing her change in status from newcomer from the past to maker of the future.
In response to social isolation guidelines, Kresge Arts in Detroit asked Kresge Artist Fellows and Gilda Award recipients to give us a glimpse into their current and recent projects. Participating artists received stipends of $150, a quick response pivot of resources that could be implemented by the program as an immediate - albeit small level - of support to Detroit area artists.